Next generation ERP | 23 languages | 120 countries | 4.000.000+ users 
Redefine Scalabilty
Integration has never been so smooth
Integrate your CMS and E-commerce
Make sure you are visible online with ....
Website builder
Email marketing

Website builder (CMS)
Design modern websites, fully integrated with your ERP.
Drag and drop
Full front-end content management
Ready to use templates
Fully responsive
A/B tests
Link tracker
Many "building-stones" available

Your products also directly and fully integrated available or sell online
Online shop
Inline editing
Warehouse integration
Product variants
Customized specified price-lists
Cross selling and upselling
Client portal
Several payment methods
Direct registation of transactions in your finance module
Many analytic tools

E-mail marketing
Send the nicest mailings directly from Odoo. Integrate with the well-known social media.
Mailings and newsletters
Make your own modern templates
Fully responsive on all tools
Large selection of possibilities
Link tracker
Campaign management
ROI calculation
Many statistics